Our mission is to cultivate a kinship with pets (and their humans!) by providing individual care based on integrity.

What we strive to offer each individual client

  • A dog’s brain needs to be exercised too! Daily walks are tailored based on their physical abilities. By removing a dog from their mundane “fishbowl” setting and venturing out of their home or yard, we engage all their senses in new and stimulating ways. Mental enrichment from walks can improve behavior and keep boredom at bay.

  • Daily walks help keep them physically active, promoting healthy weight, heart, and joints, and discourage negative health issues. Walks also help keep dogs’ brains in a calm and balanced state, lowering stress and anxiety.

  • The fun doesn’t have to stop with a solo walk. If your dog enjoys the company of other canine friends, they can be matched with other dogs based on their unique personalities. Group numbers are kept small so that your pup is not overwhelmed. Consistency in pairing is prioritized so that your dog is able to build relationships with the same group of dogs.

  • Work running later than you thought? Stuck on never-ending Zoom calls at your makeshift desk while your dog stares at you with sad puppy eyes? No problem! Having a regular walker ensures that your dog gets what he needs regardless of what life throws at you, and allows you the freedom to run errands or join friends after work without stressing about rushing home.

  • Security is very important! Having a regular walker who knows your home and has familiar eyes on it can be very reassuring. We always check to make sure doors are locked, alarms are engaged, and not a (dog) hair seems out of place. Mail and packages are brought in upon your walker’s arrival. Enjoy your vacation or keep focused at work knowing that any suboptimal conditions for your pet, such as power outages, water leaks, or HVAC issues, will be noted immediately.

  • In a dog’s world, stressors add up quickly. Consistent visits with the same walker allows for a relationship to build between walker and pet. Familiarity reduces dogs’ trigger-stacking, and can keep them less stressed when you’re out. Additionally, building a relationship between you and your walker enables you to know and trust that your loved one and your home are in good hands while you’re away.

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